Frequently asked questions as a
Canine Behaviourist

  • Most of my dog training and dog behaviour sessions are in Faversham, Sittingbourne, Maidstone, Canterbury and Ashford but my canine behavioural services are available in most of Kent, if you're looking for an in-person session.

    Online, I offer dog behavioural sessions all over the UK, and my Dog Club is worldwide.

  • If you search for 'Dog Trainer in Kent' you'll find loads of options, and this can be confusing. You would likely visit a Dog Trainer at a training ground just to do the task at hand, such as learning how to do a specific dog sport or work on your dog's recall. A Dog Behaviourist will likely want to see your dog in their environment, perhaps at home or on your usual walking route.

    If your dog is happy, life with them is good and you just want to improve your recall, learn a dog sport or better heelwork, then a Dog Trainer is a great shout. If you want to understand your dog and why they are behaving a certain way, or if the challenges are more complex, then you need a Dog Behaviourist. A Behaviourist can help you with things like reactivity, separation anxiety, fears, over-excitement, challenging daily life and so on.

    Personally, as a Dog Behaviourist, I look at a dog as a whole. I consider not how to stop a dog from pulling on the lead and barking at strangers, but rather WHY they are doing this. I use my understanding of breed, dog behaviour, dog psychology and body language to help understand why your dog is doing the behaviour. I then work with you to help your dog FEEL better, meaning they no longer need or want to pull on the lead. 

    This means you're not fighting a losing battle - you've dealt with the root cause. It also helps your dog feel happier, more fulfilled and have a stronger bond with you. Change the feeling, and you change the behaviour.

  • 🐾 Everyone has a different level of knowledge already

    🐾 Everyone dog & human learns at a different pace

    🐾 Some people literally just need ONE dog training or behaviour session

    🐾 I offer dog behaviour support before and after as standard

    I have so many clients who are 90% of the way there - often I provide the final key that is like that "Ah Ha!!" moment. To charge a package would be expensive for them and totally unnecessary.

    I also feel as though some packages, such as those for reactivity, are horribly expensive and people are desperate so they pay the price, which I believe is unfair.

    I don't want to prey on your want to help and train your dog - I just want to help your dog. So we start with one dog behavioural session, and take it from there.

  • The name 'Raising my Rescue' came from my own experience raising my European Rescue dog. I find him fascinating - Rommies and Ex-Street Dogs are unique, they are often incredibly smart, prey-driven and nervous of either people, dogs or both. I loved helping my own foreign rescue dog and I love to help other people with their Rommies, Greek rescues, Bosnian rescues, and so on.

    I have spent a lot of time learning about European Rescue dogs and work with many overseas rescue dog charities to adjust rescue dogs to their new lives. It can be particularly challenging and the harrowing stories I hear I will never forget. It is incredibly rewarding to see foreign rescue dogs and ex-street dogs thrive in their new lives.

    While I often say I'm a Canine Behaviourist who specialises in European Rescues, I also love helping train UK rescue dogs and dogs who were homed as puppies. One client said I mustn't limit what I can offer just to rescues, because I have lots of knowledge to give to others, too. So basically, everyone's welcome! But if you have a dog behaviourist for a Rommie you need help with, you've definitely come to the right place.

  • I am a Level 4 Advanced Canine Behaviourist. I studied initially for two years with the British College of Canine Studies in order to achieve my Diploma with a Merit. I then had sessions with experienced local Behaviourists to gain further insight and helped local friends and family by myself to begin to build my experience.

    I work with my local vets, rescue dog charities such as Blind Dog Rescue UK, and other local professionals such as nutritionists and trainers. I'm furthering my studies currently with a course specifically on Canine Communication - one of my favourite things to study.