Dogs are amazing & I find the bond so rewarding.
I’d love to give you the same.

Rescue dog sits under a tree looking up at Molly Fisher a Dog Behaviourist from Kent

“A life with animals is one well-lived”

…I tell myself as I trudge through mud and rain, mucking out the horse and walking the dog.

Animals have been a big part of my life ever since I was a child - they can be an antidote to the rest of life’s stresses. Sometimes though, they can be the cause, so I’m here to help you when that happens.

When I struggled to find the right support for my own Bosnian Rescue Dog, I decided to qualify as an Advanced Canine Behaviourist. I now help dogs all over the UK (and beyond!) with behavioural challenges.

You might be looking for a dog trainer and wondering if a Behaviourist is right for you. As a Behaviourist, I look at your dog as a whole to ease behavioural challenges. There is SO much that comes before a behaviour and I help you deal with the root of the concern. After a session with me, you will understand your dog better and have guidance on how to live a happier life with them.

You can find out more about the difference between a Dog Trainer and a Dog Behaviourist in the FAQs.

As a Canine Behaviourist, I can help you...

Create a deeper bond
with your dog

Understand what your dog is telling you,
and learn how to teach them, while building
your unique bond even more.

Build your confidence

When you know what you’re doing, it’s so much easier! But let’s not forget how far you’ve
already come - we can build on that.

Improve your training

With a better bond, increased confidence
and the guidance I can offer, training will
be so much easier.