If you have a dog, you’re already training them. I can help you get it right.

Dog Behaviour
1-1 Sessions

  • Learn to understand your dog better

  • Get achievable dog training goals that fit in with your lifestyle

  • Help build your bond with your dog

  • Improve your confidence with your dog

  • Canine behavioural sessions can be online or in-person

  • Get a detailed, personal Dog Behaviour Plan to keep forever

Online Session: £50
In-person Session: £80

Dog Training/Person Coaching
priced per request


Firstly, complete a questionnaire about your dog and any challenges you experience.

1 to 1.5 Hour
Behaviour Session

This can be in-person or remote, whichever suits your needs, preferences and location best.

Session Summary
& Bespoke Guide

Receive a summary of the session and
a plan of action with easy-to-follow steps.


Choose a follow-up option that suits your
budget, needs and preferences.

As a Canine Behaviourist, I can help you...

Create a deeper bond
with your dog

Understand what your dog is communicating, and learn how to train your dog, while building on your unique bond.

Build your confidence

When you know what you’re doing, it’s so much easier! But let’s not forget how far you’ve already come with your dog - we can build on that.

Improve your dog training

With a better bond, increased confidence and the guidance I can offer, training your dog will be so much easier.